So the 48 hour train ride was a tad long... I will not miss the smelly toilet, cigarette smoke and cramped living quarters with no privacy. The scenery however, was spectacular, every Yak was inspiring. Every two hours, the landscape changed as we made our way over the mountains and onto the Tibetan plateau. Since we got off in Lhasa, it was like stepping off into a dream... After China, I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. Our beautiful Tibetan guide (Germa) met us at the station, dressed in her traditional clothes, presented each of us with a white shawl.
Our first day , we visited the Jokhang Temple (a sacred pilgrimage destination for Tibetans) it was such a powerful experience for me. It was hard to stay grounded in that one. In the afternoon, we shopped in the bazaar where Joce went a little crazy and came back to the hotel head to toe in gorgeous jewelry. I bought a couple of things for the girls. I love Tibetan food. It is a little more indian influenced with great coleslaw and yogurt... I do not miss the chicken feet. Here, there is a lot of Yak (it makes me think of bison meat).
This morning we went to Potala Palace. It is hard to get into and they only give you one hour to visit, so by the time we raced up all of those steps (which is really challenging in this altitude - I am doubting I will be able to do the 7km hike to the Everest Base camp), we really had to rush through the Dalai Lama explanation as our guide was anxious about getting us through in the time allowed (otherwise you have to pay a fine). Again, it was totally amazing, I felt so peaceful there. This afternoon, we are headed to the Sera Monastery, stay posted...
Bon matin, les voyageuses, comme vs faites un super voyage!!! Parler a Joce hier soir (pour nous ) mais dimanche matin pour vs. 3. Bonne vvisite au Mt. Everest, & the Sera Monastery. App, according to info on Internet, this is a Hi-spiritual place to go to. Enjoy every view and experience to the Max!!! Mel, your Zoe went to "help" Carm place all her stuff in her new home. She went with Maffe. Luv to U 3. Mom (to Joce) & Monique to U2. XOXOX