Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gap Entry - Life Changing Stories

The travel company Gap Adventures contacted me a couple of days ago to inquire if I could submit a story about my trip that they can consider for a book that they are developing over the next year to celebrate their 20th anniversary. How cool would that be!!! I figured that I should post my submission anyhow on my Blog... Let me know what you think.

Changing Lives Stories submission (Gap Adventures)

My trip to Tibet changed my life even before I left home. I retired my car for a “greener” lifestyle and started setting aside the money saved. Nine months into my mission, I had saved up enough money to tag along on my aunt’s trip to Tibet. While reluctant to leave behind my two children and husband at home, I decided that it would be a great way to celebrate my upcoming 30th birthday by stepping out of my comfort zone and reconnecting with myself through a new adventure.

Before leaving, I did very little research regarding my destination. I wanted an authentic, truthful experience without pre-established judgments or expectations. My goal was to venture out with an open mind and enjoy every good and bad minute of the trip. Words can’t even begin to define my experience in Tibet. This beautifully barren landscape, the strong sense of culture in the people, and the universal sound of “Om” that travels through the monasteries to the top of the mountain passes as it is lifted with the wind and the prayer flags, left an impression on me that will never fade.

Given the remote location, it was a challenging trip on many levels. But, I would not change any part of my experience for the world. I am now empowered to continue with my greener lifestyle in exchange for a different life experience every now and then.

Back to the reality of life here in Canada, I often find myself walking around my city with a sense of peace, I am happy to be here, and I remember the distinct sound of “Om” and I strive to apply it to my busy everyday life.

To view the gap adventures site:


  1. Congratulations Melanie, you really inspired me in so many different levels. I really admire your go-for-it attitud. I'm pretty sure this was a life experience trip. I feel so proud of you.

  2. I`ve re-read this a second time and it has brought back so many profound memories. Your writing gives us a privilege to know the true and beautiful you.
